
ホーム  >  医療関係者様へ  >  case presentations

A Case of the Week

Case 191

 Case 1  A seventy five-year-old female presented in our hospital with a letter from a local orthopedic clinic. It said she had acute lumbago (strained back) yesterday inducing the difficulty to rise up and lie down. She was under treatment for osteoporosis. She agreed to take lumbar MRI for further investigation (Fig. 1).
 Case 2  A sixty eight-year-old male presented in our hospital for lumbago and radiating pain to right lower extremity for approximately one month. He mentioned that sitting position was no problem but standing position and taking a walk were difficult although being unable to stop playing bowling because of his pleasure.
 Case 3  A thirty nine-year-old male presented in our hospital for painful left clavicle bone, painful cervical and lumbar spine, and painful left knee. He got car crash this morning when his car rolled over by other car hitting right side of his car.
 They received lumbar spine MRI for further investigation (Figs 1 - 3).

What is your diagnosis on MRI ?

1. Lumbar disk hernia

2. Lumbar spondylolisthesis

3. Lumbar endplate inflammation

4. Compression fracture

5. Intervertebral facet joint injury
