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A Case of the 10 days

Case 280

 We present two infant cases with pneumonia.
 Case 1. A 1 year-old-infant presented in our hospital for high fever 38.4 to 41.4 ℃ and drowsy state. Laboratory test revealed LDH 362 U/l, CRP 5.72 mg/dl, Procalcitonin 1.88 ng/ml, white blood cells 6540/mm3, Hb 11.5 g/dl, platelets 411000/mm3, COVID19 antigen test (1621.29 pg/ml), positive and RS virus test, positive. He took chest CT for further investigation with consent from his mother (Figs. 1 - 4).
 Case 2. A 4 months old infant presented in our hospital for fever, cough and nasal fluids. Medical findings showed retracting breathing and tachypnea. He was required O2 inhalation support. Laboratory test revealed LDH 362 U/l, CRP 2.05 mg/dl, Procalcitonin 0.10 ng/ml, white blood cells 10170/mm3, Hb 11.6 g/dl, platelets 566000/mm3, COVID19 antigen test negative and RS virus test, positive (Figs 5 – 7).

What are specific radiological findings of respiratory syncytial (RS) virus pneumonia on chest CT ?

A. Bronchiolitis

B. Collapse

C. Peripheral ground glass

D. Honey comb pattern

E. Hilar lymph node enlargement

1. A,B

2. B,C

3. C,D

4. D,E

5. All
